Saturday, January 22, 2011

Whoa! on tne Violin Project

I've been going to physical therapy and coming home exhausted. I actually crashed a couple of times for 2 or 3 hours after some.
I am going to take a step back for right now as I ponder a rough surface (the front) to a smooth(brown wood of the backing). In putting the sides together I have to fix some smearing and chips. I say I am pondering but I'm actually afraid to try again. Well, hmmmm, now,that said ; time to jump in again. And figure a way to do it again. When I get to this point I really need some zen time.
So I zenned and I painted another picture.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

November 20,2011

I love this project VIOLINS for Fresno Youth Orchestra but I get focused intensily on this violon ...I get so involved in the details. It is a lovely job to have. ...painting the sound of music.utnteresting ,fun as can be and SO challenging There is more to paint a happy flowing wave of music!

But I need to paint for myself...that free flowing feeling which you fling about your paints and feelings. It's been so long. I painted all of today. It was the best feeling! I've been a bit down since all the bad news about health, Painting is such a release. I feel joyous. This is one of the first after the stroke. I have been sort of 'out of order' and not producing what I need to to live content in my artistic soul, my artistic being.
So it was ON today and of course a day of painting is a gift from God. It's been such a wonderful thing! I got up at 7, picked up the brush, and went to work. Norm just came home from golf game and burst my bubble, not meaning to,of course. But it's night!! Oh I Love to get lost in a painting!
  • OK, this is a bit sappy, but it's true.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I see I left off and didn't come back. Well now I have to figure out how to get photos posted and colors adjusted......maybe I can tend to it. coming as the house around here settles down. New Year,WELCOME.